"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."
Henry David Thoreau

I agree with this quote as I do believe that goodness is the only investments that never fails. If you do good, then good things will come back to you. In the video we watched all the people that did good got good things in return. It might be a thank you or it might be just the happiness that you will get when doing these things. Unlike these, the teens in jail are going to be sad, and regret what they did for the rest of their lives. They threw their life away just to be cool smh. They will never get anything good because they never took the time to invest in goodness. They never did it, so instead of being happy they will be sad and angry at themselves forever. This is why you need to make the decision to invest in goodness. IMO you should always take the time to invest in goodness, because if you do you will get back what you give; that's how it works g!π―π―π―π―π―π―π―π―π―π―π―π―ππ』@α∪αΠΊΠΞ²γ§γ∁αΔΰ΄
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