"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

George Washington
This statement means that it is better to hang around with people that are good influence around others. You shouldn't be hanging around with people that are a bad influence and is going to get you into trouble. If you hang out with people that are bad influence than you are going to get into lots of trouble. Its better to be alone than in bad company. I would rather be alone than to mess up my life just because I wanted to fit in. For example like the video we just seen those 2 boys were bad company to that other guy. They encouraged him to drink, and leave without paying their food, and jumping off a bridge. the good thing is that the good kid didn't jump off the bridge because otherwise he will be dead to like the other 2 boys. From the start he should have never been hanging around with the two boys that are bad company. Good company is always going to be 10 times better than bad company.
George Washington
This statement means that it is better to hang around with people that are good influence around others. You shouldn't be hanging around with people that are a bad influence and is going to get you into trouble. If you hang out with people that are bad influence than you are going to get into lots of trouble. Its better to be alone than in bad company. I would rather be alone than to mess up my life just because I wanted to fit in. For example like the video we just seen those 2 boys were bad company to that other guy. They encouraged him to drink, and leave without paying their food, and jumping off a bridge. the good thing is that the good kid didn't jump off the bridge because otherwise he will be dead to like the other 2 boys. From the start he should have never been hanging around with the two boys that are bad company. Good company is always going to be 10 times better than bad company.
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