"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with any body that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln I agree with this statement. Sometimes you know you can't win but it is better to do the right thing in those situations. We need to follow Lincoln's example as he always did the right thing. This is why he became president, because he had the morals to be one. Not like some president we have today. Anyways yeah, sometimes expect to not necessarily win, but to do the right thing. Whenever you see that you can do the right thing, do it. In conclusion I think you are bound to be true if you don't win or you should be true.
Showing posts from March, 2018
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Plastic Surgeon Responsibilities They are responsible of Providing Consultations Performing Reconstructive Surgery Performing Cosmetic Surgery Performing Non-Surgical Procedures Providing Patient Education Salary $407,709 Education After completing a bachelor's degree program, future plastic surgeons must earn Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from an accredited medical school. Demand The demand is continuously growing as technology grows. It is expected to grow by 14% from 2014 to 2024.
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WHAT WE DO TODAY "It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today." -James Freeman Clarke I agree with this statement that you can make a difference but, not for all eternity as you don't live an eternity. But yeah, you can do something bad in one day and it can affect you the whole life, but not eternity. This is why you have to think about consequences to your actions. It can be bad to not do something at the time as well, as it can hurt you in your life and affect it. The point is that you can do something really bad in a few seconds, and it may affect you your whole life. In conclusion I do agree with this quote but I would change eternal for life.
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"I won't cheat" Dale Murphy I do believe that you should never cheat as it can have a lot of consequences. When cheating, most of the time you will get caught, maybe not at the moment, but after you cheating you can still get caught. You will either get caught by your supervisor or karma... and karma is a b****. This probability increases if you cheat more than once. This can be a problem because you might get used to cheating and doing your own work becomes harder and harder. Apart from this once you cheat once you are more probable to do it again and then it becomes a habit. And if you do this it might be harder for you to do it on your own. In conclusion, we should follow Dale Murphy's footsteps and never cheat. CHEAT AND GET POPPED BY THE CTW SCORPION💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫
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Character "Character is higher than intellect." Ralph Waldo was and is absolutely correct. Intellect is important, but so is a good character. With only an intellectual image and no good character, then sorry but, it's no use. You can't be a great person without having good character. It sounds harsh, yes, forgive me for it sounds the way you read but hear me out. Let's say you're signing up for a job and there are other people. You must take a test in order to be accepted. Now, the real test was your character. Do you think they'd choose the people with higher scores who also had bad character? Of course not! Having bad character is like... not being moral, and it seems like there would be no place for you. Okay, I know that sounded even meaner, I don't know how to elucidate this clearly. A man of literature; Ralph, could explain to you. Basically, good character out wits gold and all the riches one could imagine. It's greater than intell...
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Physical Therapist Assistant Responsibilities Physical therapist assistants record patients' progress and report the results of each treatment to the physical therapist. Salary $42,980 USD Education Physical therapist assistant (PTA) education, obtained in a two-year associate degree program. Demand This job is in high demand as it is expected to grow by 40% from 2014 to 2024.
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"I trust that my hard work will pay off." Tyler Haws What he means by saying this is that you need to work hard towards something in order to achieve it. You can not just sit around and expect greatness to come to you. You are the person that makes it happen for yourself. Nobody will come in your way of your goal if you work hard enough. If you put in enough dedication into something then you will reach your goal. Working hard for something shows how truly great that you are and are at most qualified to gain what you wanted. If there is a goal in your life that you want to achieve then work towards and make it happen. Don't give up, don't lose your trail, have determination to succeed and prosper. Pick yourself up right now and make that life changing choice of working hard. Make that choice of pushing yourself to greater things because honestly, it is all worth it in the end. CTR💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
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Physical Therapist Duties They work with patients to help them regain movement and manage pain, either in a hospital or clinical setting. Salary 84,020 USD Education You need a doctoral degree. Demand It is in high demand as it is expected to grow by 34% each year. Reflection: I would actually kind of enjoy being a physical therapist.
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Pharmacist Duties and responsibilities: Pharmacists dispense prescription medications to patients and offer expertise in the safe use of prescriptions. They also may conduct health and wellness screenings, provide immunizations, oversee the medications given to patients, and provide advice on healthy lifestyles. Salary: $120,000-$150,500 Education: Doctoral or Professional degree Demand: To have analytical skills, communication skills, computer skills, to be detail oriented, and managerial skills.
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"They're only truly great who are truly good." George Chapman I don't agree with this as the word great means of above ability. Not because you are good means that you are truly "great". When you are great that means that you can do something better than average. Technically those who are good aren't better than average. Its is an expectation people are supposed to have. So I don't really agree with this statement as it is not technically great. Sure you can be a better person but you are not becoming better at anything else. Then again this is also my opinion so some people may not agree with me. In my opinion good and great are 2 different classifications. Good being a little above average, and great is being at the top while bringing others to that level as well.
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Periodontist Duties He/She will treat patients who have gum disease and other issues of the gums and bones surrounding the jaw. Salary 305,820 USD Education Even after you complete four years of dental school, you are not quite finished. Periodontists are required to complete a periodontics residency, which is usually three years long. Demand Its demand is not high as it is only expected to grow by like 9%.
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"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain ,but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it." - George Mitchell I don't think is not necessarily true, but sometimes it does happen. I just don't agree with the dumb examples that Mr. uses. Nobody really cares about cheating in one test after a year passes. You forget about it. It is a dumb way to teach us this in my opinion. But yes, when doing something bad you feel bad.